Tuesday, August 28, 2012

While the power was out

Maybe you heard about the massive power outage that happened in the northern part of India last month.  There’s been a lot said about it.  It was unexpected.

I’ve alluded to the rolling power outages here in Hyderabad.  These are predictable, mostly – there are a number of extended and unplanned power outages as well.  But it is expected that every part of Hyderabad loses power for at least three hours a day – this is regulated. 

It’s a complicated topic – one that makes you ask a lot of questions and leaves you without a lot of tangible answers.  The only answers that come to mind include a need for large-scale changes to take place, and that is an overwhelming feeling.  Overwhelming feelings send me into philosophical musings about humans and the earth and . . . I’ll stop.

No, let’s talk practically.  We rely on electricity –our West Marredpally fellows are sometimes even left without water during these outages, if the water needs to be pumped. Three hours per day per neighborhood can easily translate into five or six hours per day per person, if said person happens to work or shop or eat in a neighborhood that is not their home. 

What does one do without light and fans and (eek!) the internet for that long during the day?  Luckily I have a list for you if you ever find yourself in that situation.

15 things to do when the power goes out at least 3 hours per day:

(Ok before you start any of this, open a couple of doors or windows to let some air in – that is important.)
  1. Continue working and pretend like nothing has changed
  2. Doodle (because there is no work to do that doesn’t require electricity)
  3. Make a to-do list
  4. Jot down blog ideas
  5. Yoga (hot, sweat-dripping, kind of disgusting yoga)
  6. Have lunch
  7. Read
  8. Dance party
  9. Drink tea (lots and lots of tea)
  10. Do laundry in a bucket
  11. Write
  12. Cut your fingernails (or something equally as mundane but necessary)
  13. Go to sleep earlier than you planned
  14. -Or- Nap (my favorite)
  15. Sit and stare into space (sometimes also a favorite)
It’s kinda too bad we’re not teenagers hanging out in a bowling alley though…

I certainly hope I am not the only one who remembers and appreciates this video for everything that it is.  


  1. haha, when the lights go out, i take that time to read books. like physical books, and once the power is back, i return the book. one day i will actually finish the first true blood book.

    1. reading is a great option, huh? and real books, like with paper - what a concept?

      an extra good thing to do is to de-seed a pomegranate. that takes up some time and is kind of fun. and tasty, which is always a plus.
