Wednesday, February 12, 2014

More winter times

It's still winter. Still.

BUT, Yasmin Lalani is in town! And Bogey is clearly her spirit animal.

Life is good. Hannah is happy about these things.

It still looks like this outside.

But things are warm and happy inside.

PS - stay safe my Southern friends.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow and snow and snow.

These pictures are mainly for my mother who heard that it snowed yesterday and was shocked that I went to work.

The commute home:

 The results of snow traipsing through the unplowed sidewalks of the Near West Side:

The results of snow blowing in Uptown:

This pup thinks he's tough with his no-fear of the cold and his chain link fence back ground:

 Even if the snow is as tall as he is:

Like this city, he just keeps going.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Saturday on Argyle

Happy Lunar New Year!

Saturday I went to a parade in the snow. Strengthened by Pho and Vietnamese pastries, Hannah and I endured the perhaps 20 minute length of the parade in the cold weather for some bright colors, dancing and drums.

This one seems odd to me...