Thursday, January 30, 2014

PSA on the CTA... and a dog picture.

"You wouldn't believe the people I encountered on the CTA today," I declared yesterday as I arrived to my warm home.

Then, this morning I read a Tribune article about trains being a respite from the harsh, harsh cold for many people whose mental illness hinders them from seeking help from shelters and other social services. And I thought, "This makes complete sense."

Then, this evening I found myself talking to myself on the way to my Green Line stop after work - shouting (under my breath) something to the motorist who didn't care that they were in a big, warm, strong truck and I only have my little feet to get me around... I know you saw me, buddy.

...There is no judgement here, fellow CTA riders. We all have our moments.

Also, if someone seems like they need help in the cold weather, offer to call 311 for them.

PS - Let's stop complaining about the cleanliness of the trains. And let's have a little compassion. And for goodness sake, let's bring back the programs that employ people and give us healthier public transit.

RANT OVER. Here's a picture of Bogey and me facing the cold together. (In truth, he doesn't mind it at all.)

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