Saturday, December 28, 2013

Spreading a little joy (or "Happy Hoover Holidays")

I hope you had a very happy Christmas week. I know that the holidays can be hard; I shared in some of that emotional struggle. But there is also so much beauty and warmth - I hope you felt it too. I'll share a bit of my week with you.. fewer words, more pictures.

Christmas in Lincoln, IL: Hanging with the Mayor and my pen pal Grandma Lois in their small town was great.

Lois hung me a stocking, with the other grandkids'.

Getting the inside scoop from Grandma, sharing laughter with Granny, and feasting on food and happiness with the Snyder family was truly a blessing.

But let's be real, Christmas was all about the pup. Meet Hoover, the true star of the Snyder Christmas:

Returning to Chicago on the train Christmas night, Hannah and I were greeted by a light snow flurry and quiet streets. It was a beautiful welcoming.

White Christmas, what?!?

Zoe was happy to have us home.

And guess who we Chicago IDEXers met after work as she swept through town on Boxing Day....

JIN TRAN and all her cuteness.

(For all you Americans, Boxing Day is the succinct word that the other large English speaking countries call the-day-after-Christmas - Canada and the UK also consider this a bank holiday I am pretty sure. It's a great idea, America; we should really give that one a go. End anglophile rant.. for the time being.)

And now, Zoe and I are getting back on the yoga after ALL the treats!

She prefers that we call it down-cat.

PS - You should have seen the look on my mom's face when she opened her gift on Christmas Eve via Skype. It was classic. If you are in GA, ask her to share with you! (The children and the rest of the fam were pretty cute too, but it's hard to compete with Fifi excitement.)

PPS - This weekend has been beautiful. In the 30s and 40s! It's basically springtime - it's a post-Christmas Miracle! I am trying not to get too used to it.

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