Every time I think I am growing accustomed to life here, I
find myself wondering about something bizarre…More questions that need answers:
Why isn’t cheese in abundance in India?
But that’s not the point.
The point is, why isn’t cheese a part of the Indian diet and/or economy? With all the cows and goats and milk, it
seems that cheese
should abound. MAN, what I wouldn’t
do for some goat cheese.. but goat milk isn’t even a thing here. Why?
(I miss cheese.)
Where did this pig come from? What is it doing in the water? Does it
need help? Even if it did, how would I help it? Why is there a pig? (Whoa,
getting a little existential there!)
this video made me feel better about not going to heroic measures to rescue
the pig. Clearly, pigs can take care of
There are pork shops, but I don’t understand those
either. Pork isn’t served in restaurants.
I haven’t seen it sold in grocery stores.
(Chicken sausage does exist, though.) The market just doesn’t seem to be
favorable to pigs being necessary in Hyderabad.
But alas, there he is, wading in the water.
Am I married? Why is the answer to this question important to strangers
– mostly men – who I meet in casual interactions?
No. I’m not married.
Are you worried about my well being? That I should be bearing children
right about now? That I’m missing something from my life? That I’m somehow not fulfilling
my role as a woman?
Listen, Mr. Auto Driver, let me give you my mother’s phone
number. The two of you can commiserate
over this one.
And finally, this picture for a men’s hair salon that I
pass daily invokes this response: What? Wait. Wha.. Why?
The red hair. The fair skin. The mullet. The hair dryer.
Just why? Who is this marketed to?
I will admit, though, I have seen the mullet rocked more
than I would have imagined in this city.
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