Sunday, July 29, 2012

Yoga: a necessity

I have been known to catch centipedes and spiders in houses and release them outdoors. 

But bugs should be sure not to mess with me on a getting-acquainted-with-India sort of day.  On days when I’ve been fighting for everything – crossing the what is technically 4 lanes of traffic but that is actually 8 or 9 lanes, bargaining for a still overpriced autorickshaw ride, trying to figure out where the hell you actually are and where you want to be, cursing at the electricity outages, and so on.  On those days, I fear, the unfamiliar black flying object that has been irking me for the past half an hour receives the brunt of my aggravation (and his demise, sadly). 

My Zen has been off lately. 

I for real need to start this yoga stuff.  (Hey roommates and other fellows, this needs to happen.)  I’ve joked that there is a reason that India is the place where yoga thrives.  People need some meditation and physical release to restore patience and peace of mind.  It’s only funny because it is so outrageously true.

Yoga is a yes, a must, I think.

Also, various pictures from the Heritage tour in the Old City last weekend:

7 am tours sound good in theory
Old City before it gets crowded

Mischief: hoppin' the mosque fence


Palace grounds

Clearly enthralled by the tour