Every once in a while, the DJ announced that it was time for a hustle – which is similar to the electric slide, but danced to almost any
song imaginable, including a reggae gem called “Give me hope, Jo’hanna.” The hustle, I swear, turns the ‘club’ into
something straight out of a Bollywood movie.
Everyone immediately piles onto the dance floor and dances in a
choreographed style – all dancing well, I might add. (I am terrible at group dance, btw. My lack
of rhythm is prominent when everyone is doing the same moves.)
The night was fun and later than expected. It was nice to see
the young (‘the new’) India. It was very
different, yet very hip also. There’s a
definite sense of style to it all. I’m
not sure that that is a clear description of the experience. Some things can’t be explained. You should come. See it for yourself (with me!).
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