The "real winter" honeymoon is over folks... well, kind of. I did drag Hannah out for a walk in the snow again the other day.
And we did brave the Christkindlmarket crowd on an icy Saturday night. Was it worth the crafts and grilled cheese pieces and sauerkraut?
(The truth is, the weather was more bearable than the people who thought it was wise to simply yell for a misplaced member of their party... more than one group of people thought screaming into the ears of strangers was okay. It is 2013, y'all. Doesn't everyone have a cell phone now)
But, you know, the snow does have a beautifying quality about it - abandoned parking lots, fence posts, train stops, and bare trees benefit greatly from a sheet of white.
PS - The apartment search is well underway. We looked at four apartments last week and had at least three realtors cancel appointments with us, but we have a good feeling about one place. I don't want to get too excited, but it comes with a washer/dryer in the unit... don't get too excited.
Also, I spied a coyote while walking in the deserted Lincoln Park on Friday night. It was a surprising sighting. You can get excited about that. It was exciting.
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