Tuesday, November 26, 2013

To thee, I do vow (again)

I finally got my computer re-set up. (Yes, I got it back about two weeks ago and just got around to doing this - don't judge... let me remind you I am a 70 year old blogger at heart.)

But, I am now solemnly recommitting myself to blogging again.

It's good for me. And it's nice to share things with you - all both of you who read this.

So to catch you up: I've had visitors!; it's still cold; it snowed a little yesterday; and I had a birthday.

Tourist poses at the 'Bean'

Appreciating public art

Holy Hipster-ness!

More Bean shots.

Fall was lovely.

But winter is here now.

29, wine, friends, and pie. Yep.

And, it's officially holiday season!

Light Festival on Michigan Ave
Happy Holidays!

Happy Thanksgivukkah, y'all! (Eat all the foods! And try some of these.)

Shout out to Hannah Rosenfeld - I will say it again, we were meant to cook this meal together. Next time, friend, next time... sigh.

Ok, you're all caught up. See you again soon.


Monday, November 11, 2013

Welcome to Winter Wonderland, Southern Peach

I sent a picture from my non-smart phone (affectionately called my dumb phone, bless its heart) to my family with the caption: First Chicago snow!

Raechel wrote back: Welcome to Winter Wonderland, Southern Peach.

In Atlanta, this showing of snow would lead to school closings and business coming to a halt.

I had to watch it snow out of my office window and take the El home at normal closing time.

But then, Hannah (despite her Northern upbringing) indulged me with a walk on the snowy beach.

There was not a single other person in Lincoln Park.

This would not be the case for the first snow in the South - children, college kids, and dogs would totally be taking in the half inch of snow that will freeze over tonight and turn to slush tomorrow...

I guess talk to me at the end of winter, but right now I can't help but think that people are jaded and I want to say something about relishing in the beauty of something.. but, my face was pretty cold after our short walk.. and I truly do hate the pant layers..

Oh well, it is pretty still: