I sent a picture from my non-smart phone (affectionately called my dumb phone, bless its heart) to my family with the caption: First Chicago snow!
Raechel wrote back: Welcome to Winter Wonderland, Southern Peach.
In Atlanta, this showing of snow would lead to school closings and business coming to a halt.

I had to watch it snow out of my office window and take the El home at normal closing time.
But then, Hannah (despite her Northern upbringing) indulged me with a walk on the snowy beach.
There was not a single other person in Lincoln Park.
This would not be the case for the first snow in the South - children, college kids, and dogs would totally be taking in the half inch of snow that will freeze over tonight and turn to slush tomorrow...
I guess talk to me at the end of winter, but right now I can't help but think that people are jaded and I want to say something about relishing in the beauty of something.. but, my face was pretty cold after our short walk.. and I truly do hate the pant layers..
Oh well, it is pretty still: